
Tag: norway


There’s a side of Norway I love: you take the boat like you take the bus and in an hour and a half, you go from your door step to a little lost corner at the bottom of a fjord, without having to take your car. The boat drops you at the foot of the

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Structured by the field

Earlier this year, I took a daytrip along some coastal lakes known for their avifauna. The sea on one side, and intensive agriculture on the other. The weather was only adding to this austerity, with a low cloud ceiling and a powerful freezing and unceasing south wind. Few things to observe on this lake turned

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Chrono – logical

Time has this strange habit of passing as it pleases, varying according to circumstances. It’s 9:00 pm. In this small village lying at the end of a fjord, I shut the car door and start the climb. It’s already late. I hope to get there before the clouds… Midnight: I’m in my sleeping bag, lying

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Naturalist Synesthesia

For a moment, my zodiac’s passengers no longer exist. I’m immediately cutting off the boat engine, I don’t want to hear a single noise. Before me, my colleagues continue their slalom in this maze of islands and icebergs in this far corner of the East coast of Greenland. Eyes fixed on this inlet opening up

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Goélands dans la tempête - Norvège - 2021

Blind to the familiar

Sometimes the familiar is exceptional and we contemplate, fascinated, what we thought we knew. We then stop seeing and start looking, imagining, understanding. Everything in this morning of April 6th is outstanding. I stand on the doorstep, drunk by the tiredness of a storm that didn’t let me sleep, hustled by the wind, blinded by

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Chevreuil du soir - Norvège - 2020

In the corner of the eye

There is a part of instinct in some observation. I have spent the all day searching. With my naked eyes or my binocluars, going through every angles of these stony peatlands. No animal seems to be living here and yet, they are here. A few prints, a few droppings. And, it is so vast and

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Chouette hulotte- Norvège - 2020

The observed watcher

It is last Wednesday. I am going for two days in the mountains, the same mountains where a few weeks ago I discovered an elk. I want to see it again but after the first day : nothing ! I have wandered all around the area : not a single animal. Maybe everybody is sheltering

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